A pinhole occluder is an opaque disk with one or more small holes through it, used by ophthalmologists, orthoptists and optometrists to test visual acuity. The occluder is a simple way to focus light, as in a pinhole camera, temporarily removing the effects of refractive errors such as myopia.
The pinhole occluder can also be used in testing visual acuity in mydriaticpatients. In this case the pinhole occluder compensates for the inability to contract the iris assisting the eye in obtaining a retinal projection similar to that of a non-cycloplegic eye.

- Cross cylinder examination (otherwise known as Jackson’s cross cylinder) is anexamination used for the final fine-tuning of the axis and strength of astigmatism afterits determination through retinoscopy, stellate cycle or automatic refractometry.

This is an optometry Instruments, having 4 Rack Retinoscopy lens set in a box.
Two racks contain plus lenses; two racks contain minus lenses.
- These Lens Bars are not only great looking but allows you to make a quick refraction when used in conjunction with your Retinoscope.